7 Atole Way

Placitas, NM 87043


3 Bed | 4 Bath | 2-Car Gar | 3,300 sqft | 1.65 acre

MLS® 935249

Step into nature in this one-of-a-kind property. Nestled into the landscape, this home offers the ultimate in privacy and tranquility. A testament to biophilic design — connecting people with nature through architecture — the home incorporates functional and beautiful natural materials such as bristlecone pine, travertine, granite and copper; the windows are oriented to capture exquisite views of the Sandia mountains, all natural light and the cycles of the sun and moon.

Stargaze through a 5′ diameter skylight above the master bed or relax in the master’s private sauna. The creative genius of the owner, a master musician, artist and environmentalist, is seen in the two-story adobe tower, and featuring natural materials, such as oak leaves and crushed rose petals embedded into the plaster

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Stonehenge replica - 7 Atole Way

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